There Was A Train

A solo piano EP that explores a surreal dream

background animation by Camaryn

EP cover art by Camaryn.

Cello from track 3, “And I Was Its FInal Passenger” by Mare.

The EP

This is an EP inspired by surreal images that I've had in my head for a while now. A train with butterflies on its wheels, with half-open windows, and inside one could see a lone passenger. There was more around this train, however I couldn't help but return to these points of interest. The windows, the butterflies, the passenger.

From there, I began to question: what was this train's purpose? Does it even need one? And then I questioned, what if we saw this train after it was no longer needed?

That is where we begin this story: a rusted train found long after its prime, with hints of magic still echoing about it.

About the Tracks

“There Was A Train.” This track puts emphasis on the word "was" in the title. "There Was A Train" is us finding the train, now rusted over. There's a memory with it, but its faint.

"A Train With Half-Open Windows" is about the train before we've found it all rusted over. Now we see it in its full glory, with those half-open windows, and butterflies on its wheels. I imagine one could even hear the flapping of their wings.

"And I Was Its Final Passenger" is the culmination of our story. What did it mean to ride this train? Even I don't know. But, I imagine it was some sort of transport to something else. Possibly to whatever comes next.

All I know is that there was a train. A train with half-open windows. And I was is final passenger.